Hello, welcome to my page. I'm currently a Ph.D. student at Penn State, pursuing a dual title from the Department of Political Science and the Center for Social Data Analytics (SoDA). My main research interests are authoritarianism, democratic backsliding, and legislative behavior. My dissertation focuses on authoritarian diffusion and propaganda, particularly on how China influences democracies in the Indo-Pacific region.
Prior to Penn State, I received my master's degree in Political Science from National Taiwan University and a bachelor's degree in Political Science from National Cheng Kung University.
For more information about me, you can view my CV or email me.
Yu-Tzung Chang, Huan-Kai Tseng, and YiMin Huang. (2022) “Application of Online Survey Methods in Social Science: A Case Study of the National Taiwan University Websurvey.” (Chinese) Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter Quarterly. 23(4):47-54
2024: Framing Democracy: China’s Propaganda and Its Influence on Taiwanese Democratic Perceptions
2021: How International Linkages Shape the Transition of Democracy in Competitive Authoritarianism? An ICEWS Database Analysis (1995-2018) (Master Thesis)
How does curriculum reform in Taiwan affect young generation's democracy perception?
A Kernel Estimate on Taiwanese authoritarian personality index and propaganda effect on democracy perception
Reelection pressure and cross party cosponsorship in Taiwan Legislative Yuan.
Popular committees assignment in Legislative Yuan: How stable are your seats?